Monday, June 15, 2009

The Tale of Ruby and the Makeup!

Ruby is a girlie girl and watched everything that mommy does. Lately I have spent a lot of time nursing, which means I cannot follow around my curious little princess. She loves the freedom and has learned to get into many things. Last week I was downstairs nursing Isaac on the couch. Ruby was being awfully quiet so I asked Levi to go and see what she was doing. Levi got up the stairs and yelled, "Mommy your makeup!" I hurried upstairs and this is what I found. It was all over her face and arms and hands and legs. She immediately got a tubby. After her tubby, there was still 18 hour lipstick stuck on her cheek. It didn't come off for 2 days. If anyone needs a good long-lasting lipstick, I have one for you! Lesson to mommy: Ruby likes makeup and can now open or unscrew all the lids so put it up where she can't reach it! Lesson learned!
Look at all the mascara on her hands!

It was all over our sheets. And of course it stained them!

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