Sunday, June 28, 2009

Mountain Adventures!

Last Saturday we didn't have anything that needed to be done. It was amazing. So we decided to take the kids hiking in the mountains. It was a beautiful day. Levi had been asking for some time to go in the mountains. He wanted to go to Star Mountain like Dora the Explorer. We took him to snowy mountain, so that is where we went. This is how Levi, Isaac and I got up the mountain. It was a little breezy which felt good for the mountain climbers, but it was a little chilly for Isaac who was covered with a blanket.

This is how Ruby made it up the mountain. Noah carried her most of of the way.

The place that we went to is called St. Mary's Glacier, so names because there is snow all year found. There were people up there with skis and snow boards and sleds.
Levi had a good time throwing rocks into the lake.
Short sleeves and shorts and snow. It was a little chilly at the top. I think that the wind up there keeps the snow there, because when it blows it is chilly!
Levi and snow, he wanted to throw snowballs.
A look from the glacier back onto the lake. And a good picture of Levi's toy binoculars that he took with him. He brought his whole explorer backpack and carrier his own water in it. He is a super mountain climber. He tells me how proud I am of him for climbing the mountain.
When we were almost back the car, Ruby finally got down and hiked on her own. She loved when daddy helped her jump off the rocks!
When I was little I would always dream about being in the mountains with my own little family, so this was so jun for me. I had such a great time. I love living by the mountains and don't think that I appreciate just how close we are often enough!


Janette said...

You are a brave soul to take your kids hiking... but they will remember that you did that, well, Levi will anyway. I wish you were here to go hiking with us!

Kellie said...

Oohhh, you make me hungry for those Rocky Mountains! I'm so glad you took your kids to enjoy them!