Sunday, April 19, 2009

Easter a week later

We had a wonderful Easter. Levi had fun learning about the Easter story both in church and in family home evening for the past few weeks. Although his understanding is very basic he knows that Jesus said a prayer to Heavenly Father and then he died on the cross for 3 days and then was alive again. I think that is pretty good for a 4 year old.

He also knows all about the Easter Bunny! He was excited for the Easter Bunny to come. And the Easter Bunny had fun picking toys for Levi and Ruby. He was amazed at how many of the same things that they liked. The Easter bunny left his usual trail from the bedrooms to the giant Easter Bunny in the middle of the floor. There was so much candy we could not believe it! the Easter bunny filled the baskets with kites, and coloring books, and crayons, and glow sticks. It was such a fun morning. We also had dinner with most of Noah's family and Ashley. This is Noah and Levi making the giant Easter Bunny on the floor in the living room (wearing matching cute!)The night before Easter dyed Easter Eggs for the Easter Bunny to hide. This may have been Ruby's favorite part of Easter. Josh, Debby, and Presten came over and the cousins had a blast playing together. Ruby and her eggs, which of course turned her whole hand blue! Leaving baskets out for the Easter Bunny. This is what it looked like before the kids saw what the Easter Bunny did! Levi has never been a morning person. Some of my favorite pictures are of us trying to wake him up for a morning holiday like Easter. He is not usually a happy bunny! Ruby followed the candy down the stairs and sat at the bottom. She started gathering her own little pile of candy. Then Levi walked over and ate a piece. Then she knew it was all right to eat it and started chowing down. Levi ate to much candy and threw up for the second of his four Easters.
Levi finding all the eggs. He was a good egg hunter!

This year, even with all the baby preparations going on, I decided that my little princess Ruby needed an Easter dress. So I sewed her one, finishing it on Saturday night about 11. The little stinker really wouldn't let me take her picture. So hopefully you get an idea of how absolutely adorable she looked. Easter should have also been Ruby's first Sunday in the nursery. But due to an ear infection that was diagnosed on Saturday we kept her with us for an extra week.Our family Easter picture had to be inside because of the weather.

Princess in her dress with her Easter basket.

Our beautiful princes and handsome prince!

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