A funny thing happened when Levi and I took her to her Dr. Appointment. I was trying to get the kids ready to go. When Levi asked where we were going I toldhim we had to take Ruby to the doctor. He responded by telling me that she wasn't sick. So I explained that because Ruby had a birthday, we needed to take her in for a check up. Well, when we got to the doctor, Levi walked up to the receiptionist and told her that Ruby was here for the ketchup! It was hillarious. The doctor's appointment went just fine. Ruby is tall and skinny according to the growth charts...once again, go figure!
We had a very fun polka dot birthday for her to celebrate. Thanks to everyone who made the day special for her, and her mommy. We had a contest to see who would wear the most polka dots, and I had dots candy in a vase for everyone to guess how many there were. Here are pics from the party.
Here is the BIRTHDAY GIRL!!! She got a new polka dot out fit. Grams brought some dot stickers just in case anyone forgot their polka dot attire!And the winner is....May May. She wore the mose polka dots to the party, so she got the polka dot princess crown. Grams and Yampa in their polka dots.
Levi doesn't own any polka dots (neither does his dad) so he decked his leg out in polka dot stickers, which were not pleasant for him to take off later.My polka dot decorations. I thought that they were pretty cool.Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday dear Ruby! Happy Birthday to you!Here is the beginning of the cake eating. She was actually pretty dainty for the whole thing. In this picture she is picking the polka dots off the cake and eating them.Then I cut up the cake, so that she would pick it up. She then crossed her little legs to the side and started eating.
Here is the extent of her messiness, and brother getting in on the action. What a little princess!!
Her birthday looks like soo much fun! And you look super skinny!! Aren't you the lucky one! Happy birthday Ruby!
Happy Birthday Ruby! Looks like that party was a lot of fun!
So cute! Polka dots are a cute idea. Wish we could have been there... the girls would have loved to help Ruby along with her cake =).
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