Sunday, June 29, 2008

Other June Randomness

So we have started the adventure of painting our living space in our house. It has been various shades of beige, and that is quite dreary when you come from a condo of many colors. So we have started to paint. I will put on more pictures when the house is back together...but here is a preview of the priming and then the painting. And very attractive pictures of Noah and me!
So one day we had red juice with dinner, and it didn't get put away like it should have been. I was sitting on the couch nursing Ruby and could not see the kitchen. So Noah comes home and asks Levi what he was doing. He told Noah that he was playing with James (who is a train that is red). What Levi was actually doing was putting James into the red punch, which in turn dyed his arm red. Now Levi knows that he isn't supposed to play in red punch. Lucky for him, my day was filled with so many Levi moments, that instead of getting mad, I just starting laughing. And then he took a tubby.
For Father's Day Noah wanted his scooter fixed. Noah got his scooter in the year 2000...long before we were married. But ever since he moved to Utah it has sat in his parents garage. So he loaded it into the back of our cruiser and took it to the repair shop. So we now have a working scooter with excellent gas mileage to drive around the neighborhood. Levi loves when daddy takes him for a ride.

Yum Yums from the Garden

We had our first harvest from our garden. Which isn't such a big feat, since the tomatoe plant had these green tomatoes on it when we bought it. Our garden was off to a slow start, but we now successfully have tomatoes, and sprouts of green peppers, peas, watermelon, corn, carrots, basil, oregano, and mint, and sunflowers. I will take more picture when the garden is more impressive.
Of course, Levi spit this tomatoe out as he bit into it.

Don't Touch my Cheetos

My sweet, precious Ruby refuses to eat baby food. For a while she ate it. Then, she would eat a few bites, and now if she even sees the spoon she shuts her lips really tight. She eats bites of what I eat, so that is a little nutrition, and she still nurses all the time. But the one food that get her all excited to eat are these little baby puff things that look like Cheetos, so we just call them cheetos. If she is crying, or you need her to hold still, or be entertained, all you need is a is amazing! Cheetos...the magic baby food!

Monday, June 2, 2008

I am such a whimp!


WE have actually had a pretty interesting couple of days. Levi didn't sleep at all on SAt night (I was up with him until 4 and then Noah was up with him until at least 6). He seemed to be doing better so we went to church as normal.

After church he was acting a little strange at his Gram's house, and then when we had him take a few bites of a sandwhich, he pueked. Now, Levi has a pretty sensitive gag reflex, so this could have been a fluke. However, before we left Grams looked at his throat and it was swollen. So I prepared myself for a long night...again.

Noah went up to bed since he had to be up at 5, and moments later I see something run across our floor into the closet. So of course I scream and Noah comes running down the stairs. He emptied out the closet and found it, and it would not come out to meet its sad fate. So I ran to the grocery store (with both my children-because I didn't want Levi to see Noah kill it, and because Ruby is a big mama's girl and would scream otherwise). While we are gone, my clever husband set up a baracade of shoes leading out the front door and kindly poked at the mouse until it ran out the door.

I was so glad it was gone when I got home. However, I didn't sleep because I was worried about mice, and I refuse to open the door where the mouse ran, and where there is now traps for fear of seeing something. I am such a whimp!