Thursday, April 17, 2008
And can somebody PLEASE help me to get music on our blog? I am thinking the Wiggles would be good! I actually had a dream they let me in the Wiggles the other night and the wiggles were trying to teach me their songs and I told them I knew them all already. Perhaps I could record myself singing "Fruit Salad, Yummy Yummy" and put it on the BLOG!
And of course what monkey party would be complete without a monkey cake? I am proud of how good this looks.....thanks to my best friend Martha Stewart for the idea!!!!
Two days after Levi's birthday my kids and I went on an airplane to Utah for 12 days. Poor daddy had to stay home to work. We attended my grandpa's 90th birthday party and......I got sick for 4 solid days, and didn't really fell sll the way better for a week, which is why I didn't get to see a lot of my Utah please don't feel left out if I didn't see you, The thing I saw the most of on my vacation was my mom's couch! Thanks mom!!!
This is Levi and I on the airplane. He did such a good job. He was very intimidated by the airport. He threw a tantrum when they checked in his carseat, made him dump out his milk from his sippy cup, and take off his shoes. But he loved being on the place and even stayed in his seat while mom went to change the diaper that Ruby so graciously filled with a very smelly smell during take off.
This is an adorable picture of Ruby with her Great-Grandma Lyon. We got to go to lunch with them when we were finally feeling better. Levi was in a mood that day. I promise Grandma that he is really charming!!!Levi really took a liking to my little brother. They were buddies playing bus, and on the swings, and going on adventures outside. However, I guess that he doesn't call any of his uncles here in Denver Uncle, because he calls my brother "hunka Steve" and I think my brother is a hunk, it was sooooooooo cute!!
Ruby found a new favorite toy in Utah. She loved this carrot. She doesn't have a blanket or anything that she is attached to, but in Utah she was attached to a carrot......and now that she is 6 months she eats them and likes them quite a lot!
So we had a good vacation. We loved seeing my nieces Julia and Hannah. Levi treated Julia like he treats Ruby wanting to give her kisses all the time. We wish that we had those things that they have on Star Trek sp we could beam to Utah to play with them all the time.
Well I guess that is about it. I will be a better blogger someday. Sure love ya!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
We moved into our house a week before Christmas. Thanks to Noah's brothers being so close, we got everything into the house in a few hours, and then it took me a few weeks to unpack. We live in a really beautiful area of LIttleton called Roxborough. I would have to say that our favortie part is having a yard....everyone with a 3 year-old should have a yard. It is heaven. Yesterday we had a bunny in our yard all day, so I have to fidure out a way to keep it out of my garden!!!!
Christmas we really fun. As usual, we had to wake Levi up, because Noah and I couldn't stand the excitment. Santa brought him a Powerwheels jeep...which still gets driven around the house until the weather is good. Here are a few pics of Christmas.
Ruby was happy on Christmas too.....she was 2 and a half months old, and got a few little toys and books.
We have had a few visitors come see our new house and want everyone to know that they are ALWAYS welcome. Here are some cute pics.
My sister Marie came in March during her spring break for a whole week. We had a blast and while she was here....RUBY ROLLED OVER!!!!! Of course Noah and Marie saw it before me, but she rolls all over the place now, and sits for a few seconds. While Marie was here.....
....My cousin Ashley competed in a scholarship competition at Johnson and Wales University in Denver. So her and her parents were here for the weekend. Ruby got to play with them at their hotel and we stole Ashley to come spend one night at our house.