Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Happy Spooky Halloween!!!

We had a great Halloween this year! It was so fun to have 2 kids excited for all the festivities. A few months ago I started asking Levi what he wanted to be for Halloween. After her saw some kids dressed up as crayons in a magazine he decided that he wanted to be a crayon for Halloween. So we had the 3 cutest crayons you have ever seen! I made the costumes (copying the idea in the magazine) and they turned out great. my cute little angel red crayon!
Sweet little pink crayon!
Silly big boy blue crayon!
Cutest box of crayons in the world!
This picture is at our ward trunk or treat. My kids loved doing the cake walk. This is Levi helping Ruby (it was so cute!) Eventually she did it by herself and they both won several times.

The other Halloween tradition we have in our family is making homemade donuts. I tried every year for the past 5 years, always coming out with dense greasy donuts. This year however, they were yumm-o!! I think they even all got eaten! Aren't they pretty.

1 comment:

Tamie said...

um, YEAH, those donuts were delish!!!! too bad i was so full from eating other things that night, that i didn't have more than just one-----maybe you'll have to make them again--perhaps thankgiving weekend ;)